Meaningful Matches

Meaningful Matches

If you've looked at your match scores with other members you will have noticed that it's a two way calculation that generates the match score. Find your match score here We'd rather not get bogged down in the clever algorithms used by our propeller heads to make this all work,
Dates and First Mails

Dates and First Mails

Your long term success relies on getting to know each other. The problem for many of us is the inane way we date. Going to a movie for a first date whilst easy, may leave you feeling a bit empty. After 2 hours of sitting in the dark, chances are
whats your style

Opening Lines | A question of style

It's all a question of style: your style. Some people opt for an enigmatic "Hello, how are you" and leave it at that, whilst some choose to rewrite the collected works of Shakespeare and include a complete medical history as well. Our advice is strike a happy medium in between.