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Madame Zingara is back | Theatre of Dreams | QueerlifeZA

The countdown has begun. Next month the venerable Spiegel Tent Victoria makes her way home to Cape Town and sets up shop for a brand new show in Madame Zingara’s Theatre of Dreams on 1 September 2011.

Durban, the tent’s current location, is seeing the close of the Love Magic Tour and Capetonians can look forward to the all-new Madame Zingara: 10 Years of Dreams dinner cirque extravaganza when Victoria opens her doors at Century City.

“In celebration of Madame Zingara’s 10-year anniversary we are planning the most incredible show yet. We’re bringing back some of the crowd favourites from South Africa and across the globe, all with fantastic new acts. It will be a show filled with warm, fond memories of the magical love affair audiences have enjoyed with Madame Zingara over the years,” said managing director Richard Griffin.

“We are very excited to be coming home to present what will be the most epic Theatre of Dreams dinner cirque experience yet. We are looking forward to welcoming many new friends to the tent and eager to reconnect with all old ones. It is their overwhelming support that has kept the Madame Zingara heart beating for a decade.”

Griffin said the company started with just one small restaurant in Loop Street, Cape Town, 10 years ago. “The Zingara family has grown to include The Theatre of Dreams as well as four more restaurants in Cape Town – Café Paradiso, Sidewalk Café, Café Mozart and Bombay Bicycle Club. Each has its own unique feel, but the consistent thread that runs through all our shops is truly delicious food and an ebullient service culture.”

As part of the 10 year anniversary celebrations and for the first time in the history of Madame Zingara’s Theatre of Dreams, the tent would also be open for New Year’s Eve celebrations, Griffin added.

The Madame Zingara’s Ten Years of Dreams show will open on 1 September at Century City. The box office is already open to take Cape Town reservations. Call 0861 623 263 or visit www.madamezingara.com

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